About Jessica

Jessica Dawn is a Shamanic Evolutionary Astrologer living in Hawaii since 1995 where she holds a private practice and online school.  

Trained by the founders of Evolutionary Astrology, Jeffery Wolf Green and Steven Forrest (beginning in 2004), and later with Maurice Fernandez, she combines her wisdom of astrology and her lifelong devotion to the healing arts in her work with clients.  

She is a faculty teacher at the New Paradigm School and she founded Psyche ~ Evolutionary Astrology School & Temples of the Moon Astro Community.

Astrology as a Profession

When I was twenty six it rather suddenly occurred to me that astrology wasn't just something I gravitated to in book stores and libraries, but it was actually an available profession, one I realized was for me all along. That is, as soon as I understood it was actually a thing I could pursue. 

I grew up on the city border of Salem, Massachusetts, so all things occult, witchy, and ghost-lore were very familiar to me. My mother swore our houses where haunted and she loved to throw a bi-annual girls night where she would host a local psychic and card reader. I had my cards read many times growing up and my mother has numerous stories of the "fates" of those cards coming true in her life. 

Our favorite one was when she was told in her thirties that she would grow old on a tropical island. And here we are, after living her whole life in the North East USA, five years ago I moved her out to the Big Island of Hawaii to come and live with me!

But, as it usually goes, it all felt like just a fun way to entertain our whimsical side and tap into the mysteries that at the time we felt were hidden to us as we lived our relatively ordinary lives. I was under the impression that the profession of it was reserved for being born into some kind of gypsy mystic lineage! So I thought... 

At eighteen I left home and began to travel and see the world. No longer under the umbrella of my upbringing or my mother's choice of girl's night entertainment, I saw life from another perspective. I grew up in an environment marked by trauma, dysfunctional family dynamics, and rampant addiction. I grew up feeling desperate and later determined to break this chain that bound us all to this type of suffering. I just didn't yet know how I would do this. 

The year was 2004, social media was just getting started and the internet was still relatively new. I had been training in all kinds of somatic therapy's and trauma healing modalities with a license in massage therapy. I opened a clinic at age twenty two and was dedicated to "soul-healing" and opening myself up to the deep mystery of the world of mind-body-soul integration and expansion. 

I had found my path, but it was truly when I found Evolutionary Astrology that I really felt I was home in my purpose. It awakened in me the avenue to actualize myself and experience my desire to support others. It became my true spiritual path, connecting me to myself and nature.

I was first led to Kerala, India, where I studied with Vedic Astrologer and Author, Komilla Sutton. Here we explored the profound mysteries of the soul's journey across numerous lifetimes and the beckoning call of destiny.

It wasn't long before I discovered the miraculous tool that a birth chart is. It can answer profound questions like "Where am I coming from?" and "What is my purpose in this life?" It reveals the soul's focus and evolutionary intention.

Soon after, I was introduced to two extraordinary teachers. Jeffery Wolf Green and Steven Forrest, two of the great pioneers of Evolutionary Astrology.

I started apprenticing under both of them at the same time for many years, setting aside Vedic Astrology and fully embracing Evolutionary Astrology. This journey led me to develop my unique style of Shamanic Evolutionary Astrology, blending years of experience with transformative healing and soul-nurturing practices. I have also been fortunate to have apprenticed with Astrologer - Maurice Fernandez. 

I have dedicated over twenty years to teaching and working with esoteric practices including Reiki, Chi Gong Meditation, Lomi Lomi, Feng Shui, home-birthing, and more. Counseling and teaching astrology is my life’s passion. 

With an international client base and having spent time in over fifteen different countries, I genuinely feel a strong connection to our beautiful Earth and hold a deep compassion for humanity. My joy is in helping people connect more with their own authentic selves, their natural gifts and brilliance, and awakening the spirit of their own inspired self within.

Now for the fun part! 😊 I am a Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, and Cancer Rising. In Human Design I am a Projector 4/6  The Opportunist Role Model ✨

I truly believe that as human beings, we embody the archetypes and as infinite beings, we transcend them entirely.

I so look forward to continuing the explorations with you!

with love, Jessica 


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