Neptune Venus Aspects: Divine Love or Broken Hearts
There were a few people that actually came at me with fear and negativity with comments like “Oh no, don’t get married during that transit!”
I literally laughed those comments off. They were completely irrelevant to the actual reality I’m living so they just didn’t matter.
But thinking about that now it’s a shame how often even well-meaning astrology-minded folk will project negative doomsday narratives at people. It’s frankly just low-frequency mind traps that people still choose to muddle around in like a swamp of the mind.
I feel compassion and also hope because we all can rise when we decide to from out of the victim mindset. Don’t get me wrong, it takes far more than just a decision, some serious dark-night grit and will are usually required.
But those of us who are not actually fighting for our survival against attack and war, well we are more than just lucky. We have all the freedom we need to live free, to thrive, and to love.
As far as Neptune Venus aspects go, the shadow of the lower spectrum can present like perpetuated illusions, fantasy-making, rose-colored blindness, deceit, disillusionment, and all sorts of nightmares upon the heart.
They were not wrong to entertain those thoughts but they weren’t right to project them onto me. Once upon a time, I did find myself naively dancing with the devil at the altar of my willingness to sacrifice the sanctity of my heart - for someone else’s gain, but those were other lifetimes.
Now I’m living embodiment of the high frequency of the Venus Neptune mythos. Trust me it took many a Saturn mountain to climb to these heights. But now at the summit, I'm rejoicing in the glory of love.
We earned our place here from our willingness to be in the cauldron of relationship alchemy. We are carried through our days in the beauty of love and our nights in the bliss of each other.
Neptune is a dream bigger than we imagine. I went from raising daughters on my own with a dream of family kindled in my heart, to a rainbow tribe of eight of us living in harmony and so many expressions of love.
Neptune is a whisper in the heart that asks what else is possible.