When we tune into the conversations of the cosmos, we send a message to the Divine that we are here listening and willing to participate. To some, it might feel like we are being pushed and pulled by invisible forces, like the tides that we go to the shores to witness. What most don’t realize is that the sky’s story is our story, and its ebb and flow are merely reflections of the inner tides of our own internal ocean. Mercury retrograde = time for inner contemplation. A Dark Moon = time to find stillness and assimilate your experiences. A Full Moon = harvest time.
As humans, we are constantly in motion with the wheels of time, inviting us to be present with the zeitgeist of our given epoch. History follows a predetermined logic according to a natural growth cycle, inspired by the inner principles of the evolution of human consciousness. We live within a cosmic clock, and we live in a time and age where we have all the resources we need to understand how to interpret it—to understand the power and progression of humanity.
As we reach this current crowning moment in this cyclical narrative of the cosmos, you are invited to reflect on what is currently reaching a high point in the cycle of your own growth and life path.
Where can you see that a major purpose of your soul is now becoming more actualized? Where can you recognize that you are tapping into a greater awareness of how to heal from the past and create the future you are destined for?
The time is now! With all this power and potential available, a major requirement is being asked of us: the bold courage to step into personal power.
This period of the August Full Moon is one of the most powerful peak moments of 2024. Representing opportunities for massive breakthroughs, epic shifts in life path and direction, and reorientation into greater depths of self-expression, self-love, and understanding your place in this universe.