Welcome to a cosmic journey through the mystery schools of the zodiac.

Life Mentoring with Jessica
Using the most wholistic approach of your Astrology, Gene Keys, & Human Design blueprint to embody and expand into your genius.
Celebrating the Cycles & Seasons of Your Life.

Premium Birthday Book; the SOUL MAP

"We are born at a given moment in a given place and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born." "In all disorder, there is order. In all chaos, there is cosmos." ~ Carl G Jung.

"Know thyself; then thou shalt know the Universe and God." ~ Pythagoras

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Visit the Moon Lodge & Wisdom School

Visit the community space for the living astrology blog and workshops. I've developed a virtual Lunar Calendar where you can set notifications to receive updates for the primary Moon Phases, uncover their profound significance, and engage in collective conversations.

Monthly Masterclass



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Astrology School



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Essays & Articles

Visit the Astro. Blog and Community Chat Space. Explore essays on Black Moon Lilith, the Moon, Chiron, Persephone, the Zodiac Archetypes and more!

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Community Chat

A Q&A space for all your astrology questions!

Ask questions about natal charts, transits, archetypes, and more! Join others on the path and explore the cosmos together!