Spirit of the Air, the Dark Moon & the Wisdom of the Womb
The first of the recorded stories of the Myths of Lilith dates back to the times of Sumeria, around 4000 BC. She is honored as the “Hand of Innana” who was the Granddaughter of Ninlil, who was the “Queen of Heaven.”
Lilith was one of the young virgin maidens, a priestess, and a holy woman of the temple. The legend of Innana is that Innana offered the wisdom of sacred sexual customs as a gift to the people who came to the temple to worship the Goddess. Lilith was the “Hand of Innana” who would gather the men for the Holy Rites.
Thousands of years later, as the patriarchy began to set in, “Lilith” began to bear the distortion of the repression and demonization of all things feminine. The Temples of Sacred Sexual Love were destroyed, and the innate power and wisdom of the feminine were fiercely denied and often personified as evil.
With the consciousness of the patriarchy well underway, we have next, a story that is so imbued within the psyche of us all here today, as we still continue to work through the distortions and manipulations of our true nature.
In the Book of Genesis, Lilith is the first wife of Adam. The first man and Woman were created at the same time, both from the same dust of the Earth. The story states that Adam assumed himself superior claiming to be created from “finer” sediments of Earth and expected her to lie only beneath him.
Lilith refused this repression of her true nature, and she chose to abandon the relationship and the security of the Garden. She left to the caves of the Red Sea, where she is said to be cursed to a life of misery for leaving the conditions of the man and not consenting to her suppression.
Adam pleaded to have another wife, and Eve was created from out of the rib of Adam. She was portrayed in part in the image of a docile, obedient, non-threatening woman; a property of the man and for the advantage of man.
These are the stories, beliefs, and ideas that have been conditioning our relationships for thousands of years.
This is Lilith, the Rejected Feminine who stands for herself. She is the symbol of the Owl, her name means “screech” and she is the Moon Goddess who represents the cyclical process of birth, death, and regeneration of the emotional body.
She is calling out into the night of our psyches now to come down from the mind and feel. Feelings are a part of our dynamic reality, made up of the energy of life and they contain wisdom. In acknowledging and recognizing all that we feel we can know ourselves and discover our fullness.
Lilith speaks of total sovereignty and will not deny her essential values, beliefs, or ideals. She stands for independence first and radiates strength, courage, and passion. Having the capacity to nurture and sustain herself, she will voluntarily exile herself from relatedness, if she feels suppressed in any way.
In this day and age, the True Lilith is returning to our consciousness, and we are no longer holding her captive in the dark corners of our unconscious as the inherited false images of the dark aspect of the feminine.
For us to be able to fully honor the feminine, it is not wholly possible without being in full honor, recognition, support, and acknowledgment of the masculine. We are ONE created with and from each other, two aspects of the same consciousness. We must honor both aspects equally within ourselves if we are to reflect that upon each other.
Lilith is the archetype who has represented the projected shadow of the cast-out Divine Goddess. When Lilith is prominent in your astrological chart, you feel this archetype powerfully, and you are the voice of Lilith. You are working strongly with the exiled, powerful, mysterious, feminine nature.
There is anger, rage, rebellion, freedom, strength, independence, sensuality, magic, and the mystical connection to life, wild to be reclaimed. In daily modern life, the healing process can look like experiencing aspects of yourself that have been rejected or not wanted, then you yourself rejecting or not wanting those very aspects of yourself for the fear of not being “accepted”, and finally coming to a place of rebellion towards that which would suppress your spirit. Which initiates a stance for standing in one’s full truth, full power, and full beauty in wholeness.
Blessings on your journey to Love.