Virgo New Moon ~ September 2nd

Virgo New Moon ~ September 2nd

The New Moon is the beginning and that which contains the ending therein. Astronomically, it is when the Sun and the Moon join together in the same sign and merge; a marriage of Sun and Moon, a union of solar and lunar forces, a seeding of pure potent power. 

It’s the birth phase where there is still darkness and where the seed of consciousness, inspiration, and ideas incubate. It’s creative energy building but not yet at the fullness of the form it will become.  It is light waxing.  And in the waxing phase, there is a hunger for nourishment; for more.  A potential that lives to be fed by experience and expression; to become something.  Like the seed under the surface alive and becoming, yet unseen and fetal, not yet exposed as it will be in the full phase of its cycle. 

The New Moon is a period where we are led to tap into the dark of our unconscious; like a reservoir of potential eager for manifestation. Ideas, inspirations, and initiations come up to the surface and into the light. It is here in the waxing phase that we confront our capacity to grow and begin again as the wheel turns. It is here as the light increases that we become aware. That which was a seed buried in the unconscious becomes conscious.

As the beginning contains the end, the New Moon follows the Dark Moon phase and carries its depth into the light.  All that we have experienced in the previous cycle is food in the soil for the new seed; nourishment, or perhaps even depletion for our spirit.  

This is an optimal time to be open to new experiences and begin to take action to initiate creative potential. 


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