Following the New Moon Solar Eclipse two weeks ago, the cycle has progressively moved toward the present Full Moon phase. A ripening and peak stage that often boldly illuminates exactly where you are in your life. Not everyone is paying attention, but if you are, and if you follow the cycles of the cosmos, you will see that your life and your psyche align with the rhythm of Earth and the Heavens. It’s just the way it is. It’s just the way being a part of nature works.
It’s a dance so all-powerful that everything is affected, from tides to animals, fertility cycles, moods, and awareness. Again, not everyone is paying attention, and some don’t want to “believe,” but the fact remains. Astrologers observe over and over when looking at a person’s chart against the events playing out in their lives, and it’s a precisely accurate tool for tracking growth stages, milestones, and evolutionary leaps in consciousness.
Like many astrologers, I envision a world where the majority are healthy, self-aware individuals and where astrology is a core class taught in schools! Could you imagine?

With Mercury in Scorpio and Venus entering Sagittarius, the pursuit of deeper meaning and truth subtly influences and unites us all. From the New Moon to the Full Moon, we grow forth, carrying the seed intentions of our hopes and dreams, our goals and aspirations, and all the wisdom as well as challenges we have brought with us to this current point.
Now, at the Full Moon, something is rising into the light of consciousness. Something significant is showing up to be witnessed, experienced, and acknowledged as an integral piece of the fabric of the creation of YOUR life. What is it? What do you see? What has emerged into your awareness to be illuminated by the light of the Moon? What is evolving within you?
Often, the Full Moon brings a surge of emotion. A peak of strong feelings that may seem to come out of nowhere, but that notion is only if you’ve not been paying attention to the fact that the waxing phase has been doing just that: Waxing! And, again, so too, have we been. Sometimes, the strong emotional nature experienced during the Full Moon might result from suppressed or repressed emotions emerging. On other occasions, it can embody a pinnacle of excitement or accomplishment and signify a moment to celebrate. In either case, it’s a stage that instigates you to pay attention, recognize where you are at, and take responsibility in the ways you can.
We genuinely are tending to the gardens of our own lives, and as any good gardener knows, each seed requires patience and attention. Growth is a nuanced process, where nature’s timing often defies our own. Yet, amidst the waiting, lessons in resilience and nurture unfurl quietly beneath the soil. A gardener observes the cycles of the seasons, realizing that not all efforts yield instant results. Some plants may thrive in daylight, while others flourish furtively in shadowed corners. It’s in these distinctions that we grasp the beauty of diversity and the realization that every life thrives in its own way.
Weeds, too, make their presence known, testing vigilance and perseverance. But, from tending the roses to weeding out the thistles, every task contributes to an enriched tapestry. Each challenge met is a testament to our dedication, weaving experience into a living garden of memories and wisdom!
This week’s Full Moon in Aries continues to amplify the current mythic theme of partnerships, which always originates from the foundational relationship one has with the self. The Aries/Libra axis is all about one’s personal perspective and experience of life versus another. How well do you support the diversity of others? Their differing points of view, the way their mind works, the way they feel or don’t feel things? How well do you listen and attempt to understand what is going on for another? How well is your environment and “family” circle supporting you?
Mars also plays a poignant role at this time, bringing the Warrior to the table. However, Mars is currently in Cancer, so this Warrior energy is the kind that fights with its heart on its sleeve for the cause to feel the love, support, and nourishment that we deserve in our lives. This “cause” isn’t going anywhere. In fact, it will present a considerable impact over the next many months as Mars opposes Pluto three times during its retrograde cycle. The first is November 1st, 2024.
That’s where the tension resides, in that balance between your own needs and those of others. That’s where the current conflicts may arise, from out of the belly of discontent or, worse, repression of divine potential. Humans are highly adaptable and can easily learn to forego what is crucial to well-being and balance. The Aries/Libra season has a way of triggering a sort of – course correct for resolving imbalances and reinstating a more harmonious equilibrium in our own lives and within relationships.
As Pluto is now out of its long retrograde as of October 10th, our soul missions are also turning more directly toward the horizon. From churning the inner depths that the retrograde territory focuses upon, Pluto’s direct motion carries momentum to now actualize all that was mined in the underworlds of the past five months. The deep-soul discoveries and treasures that give value and wealth to your journey.
Everyone who has spent time in the Dark Night of the Soul should understand that it’s a valuable process that grants power and resources that will be useful in a future time when you need it the most. And when that time comes, you will be thankful in a way that is not always possible when you’re in the thick of it… As Pluto approaches the conclusion of its sixteen-year journey in Capricorn, now at the 29th degree, transitioning into Aquarius for the next twenty years, a significant culmination is expected over the next two months, both personally and globally.
We stand at the brink of a new era, heralding a multifaceted global evolution. The duration and onset of stabilizing the newly established foundations remain unknown. But what is known is that we are the ones who are creating this world and riding these waves into the future.
Blessings on your path,