New Moon, October 2nd, Solar Eclipse

New Moon, October 2nd, Solar Eclipse

To understand the nature of this current time we are living in, we must grasp the key players in the celestial narrative and what they are saying

Beginning a New Moon cycle with an eclipse significantly highlights experiences in our lives of “grand new beginnings,” closing larger cycles, important conclusions, as well as openings, and the readiness for a significant new journey in your life. Are you feeling it? I’ve witnessed many powerful “resets” in the lives of the people around me!

Over the past month, we’ve just come through what I would call “an epic purge!” A calling to release something big and step into the next new chapter of your life. As we continue into this potent new cycle, we have entered the time of the year when all of the outer planets are retrograde, including Saturn, Jupiter next week, and then Mars to follow.

How does this translate, having six powerful retrograde influences coinciding with a cycle of grand new beginnings? After the purge, entering this powerful new chapter that is beckoning you requires revisiting the past and addressing and correcting any unresolved issues. Retrogrades always suggest a bit of an internal house cleaning. It's a necessity to retrace some trodden paths in the spirit of reflection and self-inquiry. 

It’s genuinely about weeding the garden of your life. You don’t want to let all the effort of planting and nurturing the seeds of your intentions and dreams be overrun by the inevitable “weeds” that find space in there, too!

So, imagine this: while you’re feeling ready to move forward with your life intentions and goals, it’s going to involve a process of revisiting what’s already been established up to this point. This way, come the New Year, and more so in the Spring, when the quickening of all planets direct sets in, you’ll be all set up with the “clear space” and a more solid foundation for your future!

Before we look more into this New Moon cycle, let’s recap the essence of the last Full Moon, which was a Lunar Eclipse that had us connected deep in the infinite, inconceivably expansive realms of Neptune. A place where existential questions are born from the belly of our hopes and dreams, as well as the fears and despair that they may never come into existence. Neptune is a ride in all directions, scanning what it means to be a spiritual being in a human experience. Thus, in “the purge” I spoke about, a lot came through during this last cycle.

Now, this Eclipse New Moon has company! Both Black Moon Lilith and Mercury are exactly joined with the Sun and Moon at 10 degrees of Libra. Check your charts to see where in your chart!

When Black Moon Lilith arrives as a potent voice in the sky story, we are called to deepen our relationship with the wildly unapologetic authentic self. Layers upon layers of conditioning and a bombardment of energetic interference is the territory that we are all navigating through, so it’s no wonder the work of discovering our true selves is, well, in fact, work. The reclamation of the abandoned and rejected aspects of our authentic selves is truly the hero’s journey that many of us resonate with. 

Lilith is the pantomime symbol of the scapegoat. A millennium of fear and demonization heaped upon her for wanting to simply choose her own expression. A shame-holder for natural human urges and embodied ecstasy and bliss. She’s carried the burden of suppressed and denied pleasure and the freedom to follow one’s pathways to joy.

“You’re too loud, you’re too sexy, you’re too outspoken, you’re too bold, you’re too headstrong… be smaller, be less than you are, be something you’re not…”

Lilith heralds the message of the spirit of the feminine as a deeply creative, untamable force of nature that must have total freedom to explore and express the depth of her unique essence (man or woman). Supported, yet not controlled, inspired but never manipulated. Deep down, this is what we all want and deserve. Self-care is for everyone! 

The Lilith archetype opens the gates to the power and the rewards of living in your unique genius. To harness the courage to go beyond the naysayers and doubters and stand for yourself. 

So often, we look for support outside of ourselves without first establishing a strong sense of inner confidence and belief in ourselves or our capacity to create the life we want. We are all aware of the shadow complications that can arise in relationships when we seek someone or something to bury deeper internal issues into. 

This Libra cycle speaks of the immense power that can be harnessed within partnership, co-creation, and shared experiences. But at the heart of everything a healthy relationship has to offer, the healthy relationship with oneself must come first. 

This New Moon cycle is a homage to the black sheep and revolutionaries who, through their struggles, have cultivated a courage and authenticity that inspires and heals this world!


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